A forthcoming Big Picture Talk: Worriers to Warriors

A BIG PICTURE APPROACH: An introduction to transforming worriers to warriors 

Join us on May 11th for the next Big Picture Talk presented by Tony Riddle: Transforming Worriers to Warriors.

Tony has taught me many things, one of them being how to find your pieces of the puzzle to becoming a complete and happy human organism. Some suggest optimal health is achieved with good food and/or sufficient rest and sleep, while others say exercise /movement. Most acknowledge it's likely a  combination of all these elements. The above is a great start and will set you on your path to fulfilling some of your physical needs for sure, but what are you doing to address your other needs such as social and spiritual?

The term "mind, body and spirit" is overused these days (and to be honest, I don't like the separation). Tony's Worrier to Warrior philosophy is a fine example of a philosophy that embodies my ideal of a Big Picture approach to health. This talk will serve as a primer for those that are interested in digging deeper into this philosophy.

Tony and I feel this message is so important that there is no official fee for this 2 hour talk, all we ask is for you make a contribution after the talk that will help cover our overheads.

Tony Riddle

Tony Riddle has spent his whole life learning about the human animal, how it moves, eats, rests, sleeps and how it learns through spontaneous play. His retreats are full of technical details and inputs that you can apply yourself to continue your progress from simple to more complex movements, to rest and digest, to sleep and rest cycles and how this will impact your spiritual and emotional health. Tony knows what our bodies are truly capable of and has helped many of all abilities and ages discover their true capabilities. 

What you need to know

When: May 10 2015
Time: 7-9pm
Where: 78 Chiltern St, London W1U5AE
How much: Contribution
Who: Tony Riddle 

Register your place using the form - be quick as this is a contribution-led event and therefore spaces are limited!