Adaption, awareness of rhythm, change and ‘spirit of place’.
Naturally as the seasons change, so does our practice. Something that an outdoor practice emphasises and some might argue you are divorced from with an indoor practice (no judgement... Just my experience). Most can relate to how they eat differently according to the season; the temperature, emotional connection, how they feel and what 'should' be most relevant - what is actually available to eat at that time of year. I believe the seasons also affect how we move, whether we are aware of it or not - from one’s body language (shivering with self-embrace from the cold or open and confident in the warm sun) to how we want to train and move, which if done predominately outside will influence what is practical and relevant. The conditions from a utility perspective, but also with awareness, can feed our emotions to impulses which feed our movement.
We move to fit the environment (adaptability) and the environment MOVES us (impulse or emotionally).
Join a community of movers and participate in seasonal training to rekindle the connection with change and rhythm that each season brings.